At Tech Wizard, our focus is always the Delight of the End Customer. In order to achieve that we put immense attention to choose our tie-ups with both Manufacturers and Service Providers.

Basic founding principle of Tech Wizard shall be GROW alongside PARTNER. All our policies, systems, infrastructure and schemes will be guided by this founding principle. All our efforts will be only to strengthen the partner through our robust support system. Every Tech Wizard employee shall be a partner business enabler only.

Every possible effort shall be made to serve end customers through our chosen service provider only. The company has no vision to reach out to several territories in the country directly.

We will make all our efforts to reach each and every customer across the country, however once we agree on a service provider to end customers we provide protection to that relationship and do not allow any other service provider to approach the customer with the same set of products.

We are brand agnostic when it comes to customer satisfaction as we firmly believe the absolute right and most informed decision maker is the customer. However keeping our commitment to a chosen manufacturer in mind, we will not position competition products of the same Industry to a particular service provider.